What does it cost? The cost of repairs ranges due to several factors. The amount of dents, the severity of dents, and the location of the dents all are included in determining the cost.


Door Dings: These dents are round and about the size of a quarter. The rate is $75- $100 and takes 45 minutes to 1 hour depending on the amount and severity of dents. Multiple dents are discounted.


Medium Dents: These dents are round and shaped no larger than 4". The rate is $150 - $250 and takes 1 to 3 hours depending on the amount and severity of dents. Multiple dents are discounted.


Crease Dents: These dents are a line with a creased center. The rate is $100 - $300 and takes 1 - 3 hours depending on the amount and severity of dents. Multiple dents are discounted.


Large Dents: These dents are hand size or larger. The rate is $250+ and takes anywhere from 3 hours to a day to repair. Please keep in mind this is a rough estimate & prices may vary due to size, depth and location.


Can the sun or dry ice remove dents? Contrary to popular belief, the sun and dry ice will NOT properly remove dents, so NO!


Will PDR that is performed properly harm my paint? If the repair is performed properly, it will not harm your paint.


What if my check is made out to someone else? If your insurance company made your payment to another company or loan company/bank, just bring your check and estimate to Great Plains Dent Co. and we will get a check reissued to us or to you. Our repairs & prices are accepted by all insurance companies.


Remember not all PDR is the same, and if performed improperly damage WILL occur now or 6 months later.